Well look at that! Leslie David Baker from The Office and Raven Symone happened to watch me on the big screen at the TLC Chinese Theater… and even complimented me on my acting chops. Amazeballs- Who woulda’ ever “thunk”??!! 😉

I remember telling an individual my plans on driving to California to pursue my dreams as an actress. “Well good luck being a waitress the rest of your life” was his response. That stuck with me. And I gotta say, I am nowhere near the success that I hope to reach, but I am proud of how much success I have gained thus far in acting and in my personal growth. I am grateful for all of the support I have been given by those who do believe in me, and perhaps I am only touching on the beginning of something greater. Either way, looking forward to more nights like this, and breathing in the success of every step forward.

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